
Hey I'm Ashu Creating Visual Stories For your Brand's Success

I thrive in the realms of Branding, Packaging, Publishing and UI/UX design. With a genuine love for helping businesses craft their distinctive identities, I am dedicated to bringing innovative ideas to life.

projects & cAMPAIGNS . Projects & cAMPAIGNS . Projects & cAMPAIGNS . Projects & cAMPAIGNS . Projects & cAMPAIGNS


Wasaga Beach cannabis beverage company.

Golden- delicious

August 2022 ¤ Branding and Packaging.

Rebranding an existing brand from the scratch. Giving it a new look and designing all brand collateral in just two weeks.


NOVA 2021

NOVA - 2021

January - April 2021 ¤ Branding and Website Design

Creating a Brand identity for the annual Sustainable Business Conference, NOVA 21. Our goal was to create a distinct identity for all marketing collateral such as, brochures, advertising, signages and website. The target audience are executives at companies around the world whose role is to implement policy changes.


Collaborative Marketing Campaign - Arata


January - April 2021 ¤ Branding, Marketing, and Packaging

A Collaborative Marketing Campaign aim to design a product kit from a scratch which includes marketing, packaging, branding, advertising, etc. for the product.


Uber Eats app – Redesign

Golden- delicious

May - August 2020 ¤ UI/UX

To redesign a mainstream app by conducting a proper research about the problems and different situations customer experience. And redesign user experience and user interference which will more convenient for the user than before.


Beyond Compare

Golden- delicious

August 2022 ¤ Campaign and Web Design

To redesign a mainstream app by conducting a proper research about the problems and different situations customer experience. And redesign user experience and user interference which will more coinvent for the user than before.



Golden- delicious

May 2022 ¤ Publication and Print

To create an Independent Publication that focuses on a chosen source of hope or issue that world is facing. Creating an Indie magazine exploring the topic.


Anatomy of Unseen Self

Anatomy of unseen self

May 2022 ¤ Video

Creating an abstract representation describing myself in 100 words. Using a form of video and animating only type to present a story about yourself in 2 weeks.

Problem Solving
Applying critical thinking and analytical skills to identify design challenges, finding creative solutions, and overcoming obstacles to achieve optimal results.
Time Management
Efficiently organizing and prioritizing tasks, managing deadlines, and adapting to changing project requirements while delivering high-quality work within set timeframes.
Clearly and effectively conveying ideas, design concepts, and project requirements to clients, team members, and stakeholders, ensuring everyone is aligned and informed throughout the process.
Dealing with tight deadlines, demanding clients, or design setbacks with a resilient attitude, maintaining focus, and finding effective solutions while staying motivated.
Client handling
Building and maintaining positive relationships with clients, understanding their goals, and effectively communicating and managing expectations throughout the design process.
Growth Mindset
Embracing a growth mindset, which is the belief that abilities and skills can be developed through dedication, effort, and continuous learning.

These skills, combined with my technical expertise, empower me to excel as a graphic designer and deliver exceptional results for clients or employers.
